On the left  Click on Set Availability
Click on the date you want to mark your availability for
Click all day, or put the times in you are good for
Click Available or Not Available
Add any notes to help me out, AR only, work with XYZ, ect

Please mark what days/times you can work, this will show green on my screen so I know you are good.  When you mark Not Available it shows red, so I know you are not good.  When I make assignments I filter by those who show they are available, so If you only block days you can not work, you name will not show up when I am making assignments. If you only good part of the day, put in as avaiable and what times you cna work, this site sorts by those who marked themselves as available, then those thta did not nothing, and those that said not available, even if part of a day, is at the bottom, so you will be missed


Tim Snyder Assigning

Contact Us - Tim Snyder Assigning

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